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Building Engineering

Building Engineering

Our Building Architects & Engineers strive to design & promote sustainable building design. They find creative solutions to improve quality of your life.

Service overview

Our clients hire us to ensure that every aspect of their capital program or project is properly governed, well-executed and fully supported from beginning to end. Buildwall Consulting draws on its breadth of international construction experience and knowledge to deliver the best outcome for our clients, wherever their projects may be located.


Our professionals are industry leaders who understand technical, business, regulatory and legal matters and are seasoned in giving expert testimony. They represent top talent across disciplines, including engineers, architects, accountants, quantity surveyors, planning and scheduling specialists, cost engineers, project managers communications professionals.

Construction Advisory Defining the key construction issues
Cost Analytics Discussing preliminary estimate
Risk Management Eliminating possible risks
Planning & Scheduling Discussing future plan of work
Contract Reading the contract
Our price list
Popular Questions

Yes, you can make changes to your floor plan. We have always allowed our purchasers to customize our plans to meet their needs. However, all changes must be approved by us to ensure that they will meet site and structural requirements.

Yes, you can make changes to your floor plan. We have always allowed our purchasers to customize our plans to meet their needs. However, all changes must be approved by us to ensure that they will meet site and structural requirements.

Yes, you can make changes to your floor plan. We have always allowed our purchasers to customize our plans to meet their needs. However, all changes must be approved by us to ensure that they will meet site and structural requirements.

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